Modern man, if you want to achieve something in life, has been working tirelessly for 18 hours a day, leaving 6 hours of taking food and sleep. This is abnormal! Man must live to work and not work to live, or rather survive.
Talismans, that attract money

Each person wants to do his will, and the capabilities match. But usually, we see quite the opposite of the image when the execution of each desire requires significant expenditure. This is why modern man, if you want to achieve something in life, has been working tirelessly for 18 hours a day, leaving 6 hours of taking food and sleep. This is abnormal! Man must live to work and not work to live, or rather survive.
The ticket that you can't change
The mascots are different, one of the most effective means of mascots to attract money is the ticket, or the coin that you can not change. The nominal value of money is not important, but it is better to use a big bill, as if to draw, it will be a great income, and 5 cents can attract that little thing. However, each sound. Basically, for this post jealously guarded and only passed in any case.
How to transform a ticket in the silver of the mascot? Take the money, inherited you when you have a set of circumstances, for example, it is offered with a new handbag, or you received the first substantial revenues from the new company (first salary, benefits).
Selected the ticket or the room must be placed in a compartment of the purse or handbag, where it would not have been able to get in touch with the rest of the money that you use in daily life. Therefore, you put forward your mascot of the task to multiply and increase your income, but also to attract new sources of enrichment.
Talisman rune
The treasury of amulets and talismans, you can make runes, the main one being in the financial field is the rune Fehu, responsible for the material well-being and to receive the money. This rune allows you to examine the situation, from which you can take advantage of the financial benefits, does not allow you to spend money. Fehu is capable of shooting, even from the most severe of the material situation, because you start to nose to smell the potential revenue, following the sweet smell of the enrichment. Also Fehu allows you to keep the money, and not just receive. To activate the talisman, runic, the image of the runes it is necessary to apply on the vault, or in a bag.
Also the rune you can draw it on a usb key, a bracelet, work tool, for example, a laptop computer, if it is for him, you spend all the time working. The registration, you can do the same on your mobile phone, if your income depends on frequent calls.
Basically, for the subject, painted with the rune was with you, if not around the clock, most of the time, you have to constantly contact them. During the application of the image with the rune need to talk and explain what you expect of her, as she can help you and that. Just be aware that the rune does not help a crime of falsehood, speculation, and wear and tear.
Chinese talismans
Today very popular cash the mascot made by the feng shui. Information on oriental talismans Online a lot, this is why we will enumerate:
- Pink clothing or accessories.
- Golden fish, and live, they are in the purest of the aquarium.
- A fountain with the water flows, which symbolizes not only the money, but of their life cycle.
- Threelegged toad with a coin in the front of the leg.
- Ship sails with the nose looking in the center of the room.
- Money tree (of iron, with coins, is not jade).
- Hotei – belly of the monk with the bag of wisdom and wealth.
- The three chinese coins with holes, interspersed with a red ribbon.
The rules to save money

For you money is not only a little, but remained, and grew, and grew only cash of the mascot does not work, even if you have done with her own hands. But can the help of rules of savings of money, which, in the whole of the mascot or mascots and your working relationships feats will make you a rather easy. Here are the simple rules, which prohibit:
- make the night of the garbage;
- throw anything in the window;
- take the money after sunset;
- revenge in the house or apartment of different brushes;
- the traders sell the first thing of the wife;
- sweep up the table crumbs of the hand;
- give the debt of the evening;
- clean up after the sunset;
- give anything after sunset on the threshold of the house of a stranger;
- you-same hair cut, including cut the bangs or the hair;
- lend money on Sunday;
- to put on the table of gloves and a hat.
- sit on the table;
- take the money out of the hands of foreigners (they often do damage);
- save money "on the pocket, it is better to do it through the bank, so the money should be in the sales, it is their environment;
- give the money with regret;
- put the purpose of the accumulation of money, the money can not be the goal.
It should be:
- the young Moon view the leading portfolio with money, or a bill of great dignity, for money have grown up with the Moon;
- for the case was completed successfully, in the room in which it will purchase a contract or make negotiations, the first to enter the man;
- caught up in the debt, money is made more small cuts that you put;
- to borrow money on the new moon, and returning to the dficient;
- borrow the money from the left hand, and give right;
- receive money with joy and pleasure;
- politely manage the money.
Bag of money
In a small bag to assemble the different pieces, which are currently in circulation.
Each piece grease with oil, saying:
"The copeck to copeck, nickel penny,
fifty dollars to quinquaginta, the ruble the ruble,
the ducat to chervonetsu, to the court."
After you have completed the reading of the conspiracy and lubricated all the parts, hide the bag away from prying eyes, in the north of his home.
To attract money in the house

To attract money into the house made from a piece of magnetic metal, by means of lime, the magnetic powder, which should be placed in the bag and store it as a talisman. Still more strength to the door-happiness can give to the gold paint, to which it is necessary to cover all the scrap metal.
Attract wealth
Attract wealth, help the following steps. Make a leather bag blue, put in a magnet in the shape of a horseshoe, stone tourmaline, a bird's feather, dried herbs: mugwort, saffron, cinnamon, milk thistle, fennel, anise, cardamom and bark of pine nuts. This bag it should be kept in your house or apartment, to him flocked the rich.
The culture of money
To improve your financial well-being, assembling metal parts that are different from the dignity, that are going in your country, and put them in a pot with soil. After planting in him a cactus, geranium or calendula. How will grow the flower, will increase your income and the improvement of the financial situation.
How to attract good luck and money
Type in the bathroom from the hot water and throw into it a silver coin, after which lie down in the water. Being in the water, imagine how sends money and gives you vibes that and to attract to you the money and fortune, as well as all kinds of goods.
Cash mascot
Above the entrance in your home, to the inside of the door, nail the horseshoe ends up, for she was created as "a cup". When you say:
"That this cup is full,and my house will always be full of prosperity and happiness".